Source code for garnett.hoomdxmlfilereader

# Copyright (c) 2019 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
"""Hoomd-blue XML-file reader for the Glotzer Group, University of Michigan.

Authors: Carl Simon Adorf

.. code::

    reader = HOOMDXMLFileReader()
    with open('hoomdblue.xml') as xmlfile:

import logging
import warnings
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import numpy as np

from .trajectory import _RawFrameData, Frame, Trajectory
from .errors import ParserError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class HOOMDXMLFrame(Frame):

    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        super(HOOMDXMLFrame, self).__init__()

    def read(self):
        "Read the frame data from the stream."
        raw_frame = _RawFrameData()
        config = self.root.find('configuration') = np.asarray(_get_box_matrix(config.find('box')))
        raw_frame.box_dimensions = int(config.get('dimensions', 3))
        raw_frame.positions = list(_parse_positions(config.find('position')))
        orientations = config.find('orientation')
        if orientations is not None:
            raw_frame.orientations = list(_parse_orientations(orientations))
        velocities = config.find('velocity')
        if velocities is not None:
            raw_frame.velocities = list(_parse_velocities(velocities))

        raw_frame.types = list(_parse_types(config.find('type')))
        return raw_frame

    def __str__(self):
        return "HOOMDXMLFrame(root={})".format(self.root)

[docs]class HOOMDXMLFileReader(object): "Reader for XML-files containing HOOMD-blue snapshots."
[docs] def read(self, stream): """Read text stream and return a trajectory instance. :param stream: The stream, which contains the xmlfile. :type stream: A file-like textstream. """ # Index the stream try: frames = [HOOMDXMLFrame(ET.fromstring(] except ET.ParseError as error: raise ParserError(error)"Read {} frames.".format(len(frames))) return Trajectory(frames)
def _get_box_matrix(box): assert box is not None def _get(name, default=None): v = box.get(name) if v is None and default is None: raise KeyError(name) elif v is None: return float(default) else: return float(v) return [ [_get('lx'), _get('xy', 0) * _get('ly'), _get('xz', 0) * _get('lz')], [0.0, _get('ly'), _get('yz', 0) * _get('lz')], [0.0, 0.0, _get('lz')] ] def _parse_positions(positions): for i, position in enumerate(positions.text.splitlines()[1:]): yield [float(x) for x in position.split()] if i + 1 != int(positions.attrib.get('num', i + 1)): warnings.warn("Number of positions inconsistent.") def _parse_velocities(velocities): for i, velocity in enumerate(velocities.text.splitlines()[1:]): yield [float(x) for x in velocity.split()] if i + 1 != int(velocities.attrib.get('num', i + 1)): warnings.warn("Number of velocities inconsistent.") def _parse_orientations(orientations): for i, orientation in enumerate(orientations.text.splitlines()[1:]): yield [float(x) for x in orientation.split()] if i + 1 != int(orientations.attrib.get('num', i + 1)): warnings.warn("Number of orientations inconsistent.") def _parse_types(types): for i, type in enumerate(types.text.splitlines()[1:]): yield str(type) if i + 1 != int(types.attrib.get('num', i)): warnings.warn("Number of types inconsistent.")