Source code for garnett.ciffilereader

# Copyright (c) 2019 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
"""CIF-file reader for the Glotzer Group, University of Michigan.

Authors: Matthew Spellings

.. code::

    reader = CifFileReader()
    with open('a_ciffile.cif', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as ciffile:
        traj =

import logging
import re
import warnings

import numpy as np

from .trajectory import _RawFrameData, Frame, Trajectory

# CifFile is from the pycifrw package
from CifFile import CifFile

from .errors import ParserError, ParserWarning

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


# invalid characters for symmetry expressions
REMOVE_NONNUM_REGEXP = re.compile(r'[^+\-*/0-9\.,\(\)xyz]+')

# (an integer or floating point number)/(an integer or floating point number)
PARSE_DIVISION_REGEXP = re.compile(r'(?P<num>\d+(\.(\d+)?)?)\s*/\s*(?P<denom>\d+(\.(\d+)?)?)')

def _parse_division(match):
    """Helper function to substitute ratios in cif files, like '1/4', into
    fractions, like '0.25'."""
    return str(float('num'))/float('denom')))

class _RawCifFrameData(_RawFrameData):
    """Extend base class to support raw CIF coordinates"""

    def __init__(self):
        # Append the cif_coordinates to the dataset
        super(_RawCifFrameData, self).__init__()
        self.cif_coordinates = list()               # Nx3

class CifFileFrame(Frame):

    def __init__(self, parsed, precision, default_type, tolerance=1e-5):
        self.parsed = parsed
        self.precision = precision
        self.default_type = default_type
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        super(CifFileFrame, self).__init__()

    def _num(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, int):
            return x
            return round(float(x), self.precision)

    def _safer_float(self, s):
        """Only takes the first component of a string as a number, in case
        some notion of imprecision is specified e.g. 1.3141(2)"""
        idx = s.rfind('(')
        return self._num(s[:idx]) if idx >= 0 else self._num(s)

    def _parseBox(self, parsed):
        (a, b, c) = [self._safer_float(parsed['_cell_length_{}'.format(name)])
                     for name in ['a', 'b', 'c']]
        (alpha, beta, gamma) = [self._safer_float(parsed['_cell_angle_{}'.format(name)])
                                for name in ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']]
        alpha *= np.pi/180
        beta *= np.pi/180
        gamma *= np.pi/180

        # in this block, use the definitions lammps uses
        # (lammps xy == hoomd xy*ly, etc)
        lx = a
        xy = b*np.cos(gamma)
        xz = c*np.cos(beta)
        ly = np.sqrt(b**2 - xy**2)
        yz = (b*c*np.cos(alpha) - xy*xz)/ly
        lz = np.sqrt(c**2 - xz**2 - yz**2)

        return np.array([[lx, xy, xz],
                         [0, ly, yz],
                         [0, 0, lz]])

    def cif_coordinates(self):
        "Nx3 matrix of exact coordinates provided in the CIF file."
        return self.frame_data.cif_coordinates

    def cif_coordinates(self, value):
            value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self._dtype)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("CIF coordinates can only be set to numeric arrays.")
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)):
            raise ValueError("CIF coordinates being set must all be finite numbers.")
        elif not len(value.shape) == 2 or value.shape[1] !=
            raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N,{}) where N is the "
                             "number of particles.".format(

        self.frame_data.cif_coordinates = value

    def _raw_frame_to_frame(self, raw_frame, dtype=None):
        """Extend parent function to also incorporate cif_coordinates"""
        ret = super(CifFileFrame, self)._raw_frame_to_frame(raw_frame, dtype)
        ret.cif_coordinates = np.asarray(raw_frame.cif_coordinates, dtype=dtype)
        assert len(ret.positions) == len(ret.cif_coordinates)
        return ret

    def read(self):
        "Read the frame data from the stream."
        box_matrix = self._parseBox(self.parsed)

        fractions = np.array([(self._safer_float(x), self._safer_float(y), self._safer_float(z))
                              for (x, y, z) in zip(
            self.parsed['_atom_site_fract_x'], self.parsed['_atom_site_fract_y'], self.parsed['_atom_site_fract_z'])])

        if '_atom_site_type_symbol' in self.parsed:
            site_types = list(self.parsed['_atom_site_type_symbol'])
        elif '_atom_site_label' in self.parsed:
            site_types = ['([a-zA-Z]+)', label)
                          for label in self.parsed['_atom_site_label']]
            site_types = len(fractions)*[self.default_type]

        if '_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz' in self.parsed:
            symmetry_ops = [PARSE_DIVISION_REGEXP.sub(
                            _parse_division, REMOVE_NONNUM_REGEXP.sub('', sym))
                            for sym in self.parsed['_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz']]

            replicated_fractions = []
            replicated_types = []
            for (typ, (fx, fy, fz)) in zip(site_types, fractions):
                extra_fractions = [eval(sym, dict(x=fx, y=fy, z=fz)) for sym in symmetry_ops]
            # wrap back into the box
            replicated_fractions -= np.floor(replicated_fractions)
            replicated_fractions = dict(enumerate(np.array(replicated_fractions, dtype=np.float32)))

            unique_points = []
            types = []
            bad_types = False
            # short of using scipy or freud, we just exhaustively search
            # for points near each point to find symmetry-induced duplicates
            while len(replicated_fractions):
                (ref_index, ref_point) = replicated_fractions.popitem()

                # set of points that are ~equivalent to ref_point given a tolerance
                current_points = [ref_point]

                # find similar points and add them to the list
                for index in list(replicated_fractions):
                    if np.allclose(replicated_fractions[index], ref_point, self.tolerance):

                        if replicated_types[ref_index] != replicated_types[index]:
                            bad_types = True
                            msg = ('Some distinct sites were merged into the same '
                                   'position, the types for this file are invalid.')
                            warnings.warn(msg, ParserWarning)

                unique_points.append(np.mean(current_points, axis=0))
            unique_points = np.array(unique_points, dtype=np.float32)

            if bad_types:
                unique_types = len(unique_points)*[self.default_type]
                unique_types = types
            unique_points = fractions
            unique_types = site_types

        # Safe the exact points
        cif_coordinates = unique_points.copy()

        # shift so that (0, 0, 0) in fractional coordinates goes to a
        # corner of the box, not the center of the box
        unique_points -= 0.5

        coordinates = np.sum(
            unique_points[:, np.newaxis, :]*box_matrix[np.newaxis, :, :], axis=2)

        raw_frame = _RawFrameData() = box_matrix
        raw_frame.types = unique_types
        raw_frame.positions = coordinates
        raw_frame.cif_coordinates = cif_coordinates
        return raw_frame

    def __str__(self):
        return "CifFileFrame(parsed={}, precision={})".format(
            self.parsed, self.precision)

[docs]class CifFileReader(object): """CIF-file reader for the Glotzer Group, University of Michigan. Requires the PyCifRW package to parse CIF files. Authors: Matthew Spellings .. code:: reader = CifFileReader() with open('a_ciffile.cif', 'r') as ciffile: traj = :param precision: The number of digits to round floating-point values to. :type precision: int :param tolerance: Floating-point tolerance of particle identity as symmetry operations are applied :type tolerance: float """ def __init__(self, precision=None, tolerance=1e-5): """Initialize a cif-file reader.""" self._precision = precision or CIFFILE_FLOAT_DIGITS self._tolerance = tolerance def _scan(self, parsed_file, keys, default_type): return (CifFileFrame(parsed_file[key], self._precision, default_type, self._tolerance) for key in keys)
[docs] def read(self, stream, default_type='A'): """Read text stream and return a trajectory instance. :param stream: The stream, which contains the ciffile. :type stream: A file-like textstream. :param default_type: The default particle type for ciffile dialects without type definition. :type default_type: str """ parsed_file = CifFile(stream) keys = list(sorted(parsed_file.keys())) # Index the stream frames = list(self._scan(parsed_file, keys, default_type)) if len(frames) == 0: raise ParserError("Did not read a single complete frame.")"Read {} frames.".format(len(frames))) return Trajectory(frames)