Source code for garnett.trajectory

# Copyright (c) 2019 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
"""Trajectories are the path that objects follow
as affected by external forces.

The trajectory module provides classes to store discretized

import logging

import numpy as np
import rowan

from .shapes import SphereShape, ConvexPolyhedronShape, \
    ConvexSpheropolyhedronShape, GeneralPolyhedronShape, PolygonShape, \
    SpheropolygonShape, SphereUnionShape

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_DTYPE = np.float32

[docs]class Box(object): """A triclinical box class. You can access the box size and tilt factors via attributes: .. code-block:: python # Reading length_x = box.Lx tilt_xy = box.xy # etc. # Setting box.Lx = 10.0 box.Ly = box.Lz = 5.0 box.xy = box.xz = box.yz = 0.01 # etc. .. seealso::""" def __init__(self, Lx, Ly, Lz, xy=0.0, xz=0.0, yz=0.0, dimensions=3): self.Lx = Lx "The box length in x-direction." self.Ly = Ly "The box length in y-direction." self.Lz = Lz "The box length in z-direction." self.xy = xy "The box tilt factor in the xy-plane." self.xz = xz "The box tilt factor in the xz-plane." self.yz = yz "The box tilt factor in the yz-plane." self.dimensions = dimensions "The number of box dimensions (2 or 3)." def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs] def get_box_matrix(self): """Returns the box matrix (3x3). The dimensions (Lx,Ly,Lz) are the diagonal.""" return [[self.Lx, self.xy * self.Ly, self.xz * self.Lz], [0, self.Ly, self.yz * self.Lz], [0, 0, self.Lz]]
[docs] def get_box_array(self): """Returns the box parameters as a 6-element list.""" return [self.Lx, self.Ly, self.Lz, self.xy, self.xz, self.yz]
def __str__(self): return "Box(Lx={Lx}, Ly={Ly}, Lz={Lz}, "\ "xy={xy}, xz={xz}, yz={yz}, dimensions={dimensions})".format( **self.__dict__) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def round(self, decimals=0): "Return box instance with all values rounded up to the given precision." return Box( Lx=np.round(self.Lx, decimals), Ly=np.round(self.Ly, decimals), Lz=np.round(self.Lz, decimals), xy=np.round(self.xy, decimals), xz=np.round(self.xz, decimals), yz=np.round(self.yz, decimals), dimensions=self.dimensions)
class FrameData(object): """One FrameData instance manages the data of one frame in a trajectory.""" def __init__(self): = None "Instance of :class:`~.Box`" self.types = None "Nx1 array of types represented as strings." self.positions = None "Nx3 array of coordinates for N particles in 3 dimensions." self.orientations = None "Nx4 array of rotational coordinates for N particles represented as quaternions." self.velocities = None "Nx3 array of velocities for N particles in 3 dimensions." self.mass = None "Nx1 array of masses for N particles." self.charge = None "Nx1 array of charges for N particles." self.diameter = None "Nx1 array of diameters for N particles." self.moment_inertia = None "Nx3 array of principal moments of inertia for N particles in 3 dimensions." self.angmom = None "Nx4 array of angular momenta for N particles represented as quaternions." self.image = None "Nx3 array of periodic images for N particles in 3 dimensions." = None "A dictionary of lists for each attribute." self.data_keys = None "A list of strings, where each string represents one attribute." self.shapedef = None "A ordered dictionary of instances of :class:`~.shapes.ShapeDefinition`." self.view_rotation = None "A quaternion specifying a rotation that should be applied for visualization." def __len__(self): return len(self.types) def __eq__(self, other): if len(self) != len(other): return False else: # rigorous comparison required return == \ and self.types == other.types\ and np.array_equal(self.positions, other.positions)\ and np.array_equal(self.orientations, other.orientations)\ and np.array_equal(self.velocities, other.velocities)\ and np.array_equal(self.mass, other.mass)\ and np.array_equal(self.charge, other.charge)\ and np.array_equal(self.diameter, other.diameter)\ and np.array_equal(self.moment_inertia, other.moment_inertia)\ and np.array_equal(self.angmom, other.angmom)\ and np.array_equal(self.image, other.image)\ and ==\ and self.shapedef == other.shapedef def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return "Frame(N={})".format(len(self)) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def make_snapshot(self): "Create a HOOMD-blue snapshot object from this frame." return make_hoomd_blue_snapshot(self) def copyto_snapshot(self, snapshot): "Copy this frame to a HOOMD-blue snapshot." return copyto_hoomd_blue_snapshot(self, snapshot) class _RawFrameData(object): """Class to capture unprocessed frame data during parsing. All matrices are numpy arrays.""" def __init__(self): # 3x3 matrix (not required to be upper-triangular) = None self.box_dimensions = 3 self.types = list() # Nx1 self.positions = list() # Nx3 self.orientations = list() # Nx4 self.velocities = list() # Nx3 self.mass = list() # Nx1 self.charge = list() # Nx1 self.diameter = list() # Nx1 self.moment_inertia = list() # Nx3 self.angmom = list() # Nx4 self.image = list() # Nx3 # A dictionary of lists for each attribute = None self.data_keys = None # A list of strings # A ordered dictionary of instances of ShapeDefinition self.shapedef = None # A view rotation (does not affect the actual trajectory) self.view_rotation = None
[docs]class Frame(object): """A frame is a container object for the actual frame data. The frame data is read from the origin stream whenever accessed. :param dtype: The data type for frame data. """ def __init__(self, dtype=None): if dtype is None: dtype = DEFAULT_DTYPE self.frame_data = None self._dtype = dtype def _raise_attributeerror(self, attr): value = getattr(self.frame_data, attr, None) if value is None: raise AttributeError('{} not available for this frame'.format(attr)) else: return value def _raw_frame_to_frame(self, raw_frame, dtype=None): """Generate a frame object from a raw frame object.""" N = len(raw_frame.types) ret = FrameData() positions = np.asarray(raw_frame.positions, dtype=dtype) if len(positions) == 0: positions = None orientations = np.asarray(raw_frame.orientations, dtype=dtype) if len(orientations) == 0: orientations = None velocities = np.asarray(raw_frame.velocities, dtype=dtype) if len(velocities) == 0: velocities = None mass = np.asarray(raw_frame.mass, dtype=dtype) if len(mass) == 0: mass = None charge = np.asarray(raw_frame.charge, dtype=dtype) if len(charge) == 0: charge = None diameter = np.asarray(raw_frame.diameter, dtype=dtype) if len(diameter) == 0: diameter = None moment_inertia = np.asarray(raw_frame.moment_inertia, dtype=dtype) if len(moment_inertia) == 0: moment_inertia = None angmom = np.asarray(raw_frame.angmom, dtype=dtype) if len(angmom) == 0: angmom = None image = np.asarray(raw_frame.image, dtype=np.int32) if len(image) == 0: image = None assert is not None if isinstance(, Box): raw_frame.box_dimensions = = np.asarray(, dtype=dtype) box_dimensions = getattr(raw_frame, 'box_dimensions', 3) ret.positions, ret.velocities, ret.orientations, ret.angmom, = _regularize_box( positions, velocities, orientations, angmom,, dtype, box_dimensions) ret.mass = mass ret.charge = charge ret.diameter = diameter ret.moment_inertia = moment_inertia ret.image = image ret.shapedef = raw_frame.shapedef ret.types = raw_frame.types = ret.data_keys = raw_frame.data_keys ret.view_rotation = raw_frame.view_rotation assert N == len(ret.types) assert N == len(ret.positions) if ret.orientations is not None: assert N == len(ret.orientations) if ret.velocities is not None: assert N == len(ret.velocities) if ret.mass is not None: assert N == len(ret.mass) if ret.charge is not None: assert N == len(ret.charge) if ret.diameter is not None: assert N == len(ret.diameter) if ret.moment_inertia is not None: assert N == len(ret.moment_inertia) if ret.angmom is not None: assert N == len(ret.angmom) if ret.image is not None: assert N == len(ret.image) return ret
[docs] def loaded(self): "Returns True if the frame is loaded into memory." return self.frame_data is not None
[docs] def load(self): "Load the frame into memory." if self.frame_data is None: logger.debug("Loading frame.") self.frame_data = self._raw_frame_to_frame(, dtype=self._dtype)
[docs] def unload(self): """Unload the frame from memory. Use this method carefully. This method removes the frame reference to the frame data, however any other references that may still exist, will prevent a removal of said data from memory.""" logger.debug("Removing frame data reference.") self.frame_data = None
@property def dtype(self): "Return the data type for frame data." return self._dtype @dtype.setter def dtype(self, value): """Change the data type for frame data. :param value: The data type value. :raises RuntimeError: If called for a loaded frame.""" if self.loaded(): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot change the data type after frame is loaded.") self._dtype = value def __len__(self): "Return the number of particles in this frame." self.load() return len(self.frame_data) def __eq__(self, other): self.load() other.load() return self.frame_data == other.frame_data def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def make_snapshot(self): "Create a HOOMD-blue snapshot object from this frame." self.load() return make_hoomd_blue_snapshot(self.frame_data)
[docs] def copyto_snapshot(self, snapshot): "Copy this frame to a HOOMD-blue snapshot." self.load() return copyto_hoomd_blue_snapshot(self.frame_data, snapshot)
[docs] def to_plato_scene(self, backend, scene=None): """Create a plato scene from this frame. :param backend: Backend name to use with plato. The backend must support all primitives corresponding to shapes defined in this frame. :type backend: str :param scene: Scene object to render into. By default, a new scene is created. :type scene: :class:`plato.draw.Scene` """ try: import importlib backend = importlib.import_module('plato.draw.{}'.format(backend)) except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Backend plato.draw.{} could not be imported.'.format(backend)) prims = [] def make_default_colors(size): return np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1]] * size) # Create box primitive box = if == 2: box.Lz = 0 prims.append(backend.Box.from_box(box, color=(0, 0, 0, 1))) # Create a shape primitive for each shape definition for type_name, type_shape in self.shapedef.items(): subset = np.where(np.asarray(self.types) == type_name)[0] N_prim = len(subset) dimensions = if isinstance(type_shape, SphereShape): if dimensions == 3: prim = backend.Spheres( positions=self.positions[subset], colors=make_default_colors(N_prim), radii=[0.5 * type_shape['diameter']] * N_prim, ) else: prim = backend.Disks( positions=self.positions[subset, :2], colors=make_default_colors(N_prim), radii=[0.5 * type_shape['diameter']] * N_prim, ) elif isinstance(type_shape, SphereUnionShape): if dimensions == 3: prim = backend.SphereUnions( positions=self.positions[subset], orientations=self.orientations[subset], colors=make_default_colors(len(type_shape['centers'])), points=type_shape['centers'], radii=[0.5 * d for d in type_shape['diameters']], ) else: prim = backend.DiskUnions( positions=self.positions[subset, :2], orientations=self.orientations[subset], colors=make_default_colors(len(type_shape['centers'])), points=[c[:2] for c in type_shape['centers']], radii=[0.5 * d for d in type_shape['diameters']], ) elif isinstance(type_shape, ConvexPolyhedronShape): prim = backend.ConvexPolyhedra( positions=self.positions[subset], orientations=self.orientations[subset], colors=make_default_colors(N_prim), vertices=type_shape['vertices'], ) elif isinstance(type_shape, ConvexSpheropolyhedronShape): prim = backend.ConvexSpheropolyhedra( positions=self.positions[subset], orientations=self.orientations[subset], colors=make_default_colors(N_prim), vertices=type_shape['vertices'], radius=type_shape['rounding_radius'], ) elif isinstance(type_shape, GeneralPolyhedronShape): prim = backend.Mesh( positions=self.positions[subset], orientations=self.orientations[subset], colors=make_default_colors(len(type_shape['vertices'])), vertices=type_shape['vertices'], indices=type_shape['faces'], shape_colors=make_default_colors(N_prim), ) elif isinstance(type_shape, PolygonShape): prim = backend.Polygons( positions=self.positions[subset, :2], orientations=self.orientations[subset], colors=make_default_colors(N_prim), vertices=type_shape['vertices'], ) elif isinstance(type_shape, SpheropolygonShape): prim = backend.Spheropolygons( positions=self.positions[subset, :2], orientations=self.orientations[subset], colors=make_default_colors(N_prim), vertices=type_shape['vertices'], radius=type_shape['rounding_radius'], ) else: print('Unsupported shape:', type_shape) continue prims.append(prim) if scene is None: scene = backend.Scene(prims) else: for prim in prims: scene.add_primitive(prim) return scene
@property def box(self): "Instance of :class:`~.Box`" self.load() return @box.setter def box(self, value): self.load() = value @property def types(self): "Nx1 array of types represented as strings." self.load() return self.frame_data.types @types.setter def types(self, value): self.load() self.frame_data.types = value @property def positions(self): "Nx3 array of coordinates for N particles in 3 dimensions." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('positions') @positions.setter def positions(self, value): # Various sanity checks try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self._dtype) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Positions can only be set to numeric arrays.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)): raise ValueError("Positions being set must all be finite numbers.") elif not len(value.shape) == 2 or value.shape[1] != raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N,{}) where N is the " "number of particles.".format( self.load() self.frame_data.positions = value @property def orientations(self): "Nx4 array of rotational coordinates for N particles represented as quaternions." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('orientations') @orientations.setter def orientations(self, value): try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self._dtype) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Orientations can only be set to numeric arrays.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)): raise ValueError("Orientations being set must all be finite numbers.") elif not len(value.shape) == 2 or value.shape[1] != 4: raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N,4) where N is the number of particles.") self.load() self.frame_data.orientations = value @property def velocities(self): "Nx3 array of velocities for N particles in 3 dimensions." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('velocities') @velocities.setter def velocities(self, value): try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self._dtype) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Velocities can only be set to numeric arrays.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)): raise ValueError("Velocities being set must all be finite numbers.") elif not len(value.shape) == 2 or value.shape[1] != raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N,{}) where N is the " "number of particles.".format( self.load() self.frame_data.velocities = value @property def mass(self): "Nx1 array of masses for N particles." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('mass') @mass.setter def mass(self, value): try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self._dtype) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Masses can only be set to numeric arrays.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)): raise ValueError("Masses being set must all be finite numbers.") elif not len(value.shape) == 1: raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N) where N is the number of particles.") self.load() self.frame_data.mass = value @property def charge(self): "Nx1 array of charges for N particles." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('charge') @charge.setter def charge(self, value): try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self._dtype) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Charges can only be set to numeric arrays.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)): raise ValueError("Charges being set must all be finite numbers.") elif not len(value.shape) == 1: raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N) where N is the number of particles.") self.load() self.frame_data.charge = value @property def diameter(self): "Nx1 array of diameters for N particles." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('diameter') @diameter.setter def diameter(self, value): try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self._dtype) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Diameters can only be set to numeric arrays.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)): raise ValueError("Diameters being set must all be finite numbers.") elif not len(value.shape) == 1: raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N) where N is the number of particles.") self.load() self.frame_data.diameter = value @property def moment_inertia(self): "Nx3 array of principal moments of inertia for N particles in 3 dimensions." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('moment_inertia') @moment_inertia.setter def moment_inertia(self, value): ndof = * ( - 1) / 2 try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self._dtype) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Moments of inertia can only be set to numeric arrays.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)): raise ValueError("Moments of inertia being set must all be finite numbers.") elif not len(value.shape) == 2 or value.shape[1] != ndof: raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N,{}) where N is the number of particles.".format(ndof)) self.load() self.frame_data.moment_inertia = value @property def angmom(self): "Nx4 array of angular momenta for N particles represented as quaternions." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('angmom') @angmom.setter def angmom(self, value): try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=self._dtype) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Angular momenta can only be set to numeric arrays.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)): raise ValueError("Angular momenta being set must all be finite numbers.") elif not len(value.shape) == 2 or value.shape[1] != 4: raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N,4) where N is the number of particles.") self.load() self.frame_data.angmom = value @property def image(self): "Nx3 array of periodic images for N particles in 3 dimensions." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('image') @image.setter def image(self, value): try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=np.int32) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Images can only be set to numeric arrays.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(value)): raise ValueError("Images being set must all be finite numbers.") elif not len(value.shape) == 2 or value.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("Input array must be of shape (N,3) where N is the number of particles.") self.load() self.frame_data.image = value @property def data(self): "A dictionary of lists for each attribute." self.load() return @data.setter def data(self, value): self.load() = value @property def data_keys(self): "A list of strings, where each string represents one attribute." self.load() return self.frame_data.data_keys @data_keys.setter def data_keys(self, value): self.load() self.frame_data.data_keys = value @property def shapedef(self): "An ordered dictionary of instances of :class:`~.shapes.Shape`." self.load() return self._raise_attributeerror('shapedef') @shapedef.setter def shapedef(self, value): self.load() self.frame_data.shapedef = value @property def view_rotation(self): "A quaternion specifying a rotation that should be applied for visualization." self.load() return self.frame_data.view_rotation
class BaseTrajectory(object): def __init__(self, frames=None): self.frames = frames or list() def __str__(self): try: return "Trajectory(# frames: {})".format(len(self)) except TypeError: return "Trajectory(# frames: n/a)" def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __len__(self): return len(self.frames) def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): traj = type(self)(self.frames[index]) for x in ('_N', '_types', '_type', '_type_ids', '_positions', '_orientations', '_velocities', '_mass', '_charge', '_diameter', '_moment_inertia', '_angmom', '_image'): if getattr(self, x) is not None: setattr(traj, x, getattr(self, x)[index]) return traj else: return self.frames[index] def __eq__(self, other): if len(self) != len(other): return False for f1, f2 in zip(self, other): if f1 != f2: return False else: return True class ImmutableTrajectory(BaseTrajectory): """The immutable trajectory class is used internally to provide efficient immutable iterators over trajectories.""" class ImmutableTrajectoryIterator(object): def __init__(self, traj): self.frame_iter = iter(traj.frames) self.frame = None self._unload_last = None def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.frame is not None and self._unload_last: self.frame.unload() self.frame = next(self.frame_iter) self._unload_last = not self.frame.loaded() return self.frame next = __next__ def __init__(self, frames=None): super(ImmutableTrajectory, self).__init__(frames=frames) def __iter__(self): return ImmutableTrajectory.ImmutableTrajectoryIterator(self)
[docs]class Trajectory(BaseTrajectory): """Manages a particle trajectory data resource. A trajectory is basically a sequence of :class:`~.Frame` instances. Trajectory data can either be accessed as coherent numpy arrays: .. code:: traj.load_arrays() M = len(traj) traj.N # M traj.positions # MxNx3 traj.orientations # MxNx4 traj.types # MxN traj.type_ids # MxN or by individual frames: .. code:: first_frame = traj[0] last_frame = traj[-1] n_th_frame = traj[n] first_frame.positions # Nx3 first_frame.orientations # Nx4 first_frame.types # Nx1 You can iterate through individual frames: .. code:: for frame in trajectory: print(frame.positions) and create a sub-trajectory from the *i'th* to the *(j-1)'th* frame: .. code:: sub_trajectory = traj[i:j] :param frames: The individual frames of this trajectory. :type frames: :class:`~.Frame` :param dtype: The default data type for trajectory data. """ TRAJ_ATTRIBUTES = ['N', 'type', 'types', 'type_ids', 'positions', 'orientations', 'velocities', 'mass', 'charge', 'diameter', 'moment_inertia', 'angmom', 'image'] def __init__(self, frames=None, dtype=None): super(Trajectory, self).__init__(frames=frames) if dtype is None: dtype = DEFAULT_DTYPE self._dtype = dtype self._N = None self._type = None self._types = None self._type_ids = None self._positions = None self._orientations = None self._velocities = None self._mass = None self._charge = None self._diameter = None self._moment_inertia = None self._angmom = None self._image = None def __iter__(self): return iter(ImmutableTrajectory(self.frames))
[docs] def load(self): """Load all frames into memory. By default, only frames which are accessed are loaded into memory. Using this function, all frames are loaded at once. This can be useful, e.g., if the trajectory resource cannot remain open, however in all other cases this should be avoided. See also: :meth:`~.load_arrays` """ self.load_arrays() for frame in self.frames: frame.load()
[docs] def loaded(self): """Returns True if all frames are loaded into memory. See also: :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`""" return all((f.loaded() for f in self.frames))
[docs] def arrays_loaded(self): """Returns true if arrays are loaded into memory. See also: :meth:`~.load_arrays`""" return any(getattr(self, '_' + key) is not None for key in self.TRAJ_ATTRIBUTES)
def _assert_loaded(self): "Raises a RuntimeError if trajectory is not loaded." if not self.loaded(): raise RuntimeError("Trajectory not loaded! Use load().") def _assertarrays_loaded(self): "Raises a RuntimeError if trajectory arrays are not loaded." if not self.arrays_loaded(): raise RuntimeError( "Trajectory arrays not loaded! Use load_arrays() or load().") def _check_nonempty_property(self, attr): value = getattr(self, attr, None) if value is None: raise AttributeError('{} not available for this trajectory'.format(attr[1:])) else: return value def _max_N(self): "Returns the size of the largest frame within this trajectory." return max((len(f) for f in self.frames))
[docs] def load_arrays(self): """Load positions, orientations and types into memory. After calling this function, positions, orientations and types can be accessed as coherent numpy arrays: .. code:: traj.load_arrays() traj.N # M -- frame sizes traj.positions # MxNx3 traj.orientations # MxNx4 traj.types # MxN traj.type_ids # MxN .. note:: It is not necessary to call this function again when accessing sub trajectories: .. code:: traj.load_arrays() sub_traj = traj[m:n] sub_traj.positions However, it may be more efficient to call :meth:`~.load_arrays` only for the sub trajectory if other data is not of interest: .. code:: sub_traj = traj[m:n] sub_traj.load_arrays() sub_traj.positions """ # Determine array shapes _N = np.array([len(f) for f in self.frames], dtype=np.int_) M = len(self) N = _N.max() # Types types = [f.types for f in self.frames] type_ids = np.zeros((M, N), dtype=np.uint32) _type = _generate_type_id_array(types, type_ids) props = dict( positions=[None] * M, orientations=[None] * M, velocities=[None] * M, mass=[None] * M, charge=[None] * M, diameter=[None] * M, moment_inertia=[None] * M, angmom=[None] * M, image=[None] * M, ) for i, frame in enumerate(self.frames): # loop over desired properties for prop in self.TRAJ_ATTRIBUTES[4:]: try: frame_prop = frame._raise_attributeerror(prop) except AttributeError: frame_prop = None if frame_prop is not None: props[prop][i] = frame_prop for prop in self.TRAJ_ATTRIBUTES[4:]: # This builds NumPy arrays for properties with # no missing values (i.e. None). if any(p is None for p in props[prop]): # If the list contains a None value, set property to None # in order for AttributeError to be raised properly props[prop] = None else: dtype_ = np.int32 if prop == 'image' else DEFAULT_DTYPE try: props[prop] = np.asarray(props[prop], dtype=dtype_) except (TypeError, ValueError): props[prop] = np.asarray(props[prop]) try: # Perform swap self._N = _N self._type = _type self._types = types self._type_ids = type_ids self._positions = props['positions'] self._orientations = props['orientations'] self._velocities = props['velocities'] self._mass = props['mass'] self._charge = props['charge'] self._diameter = props['diameter'] self._moment_inertia = props['moment_inertia'] self._angmom = props['angmom'] self._image = props['image'] except Exception: # Ensure consistent error state self._N = self._type = self._types = self._type_ids = \ self._positions = self._orientations = self._velocities = \ self._mass = self._charge = self._diameter = \ self._moment_inertia = self._angmom = self._image = None raise
[docs] def set_dtype(self, value): """Change the data type of this trajectory. This function cannot be called if any frame is already loaded. :param value: The new data type value.""" self._dtype = value for x in (self._positions, self._orientations, self._velocities, self._mass, self._charge, self._diameter, self._moment_inertia, self._angmom): if x is not None: x = x.astype(value) for frame in self.frames: frame.dtype = value
@property def N(self): """Access the frame sizes as a numpy array. Mostly important when the trajectory has varying size. .. code:: pos_i = traj.positions[i][0:traj.N[i]] :returns: frame size as array with length M :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (dtype= :class:`numpy.int_`) :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return np.asarray(self._N, dtype=np.int_) @property def types(self): """Access the particle types as a numpy array. :returns: particles types as (MxN) array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (dtype= :class:`numpy.str_` ) :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return np.asarray(self._types, dtype=np.str_) @property def type(self): """List of type names ordered by type_id. Use the type list to map between type_ids and type names: .. code:: type_name = traj.type[type_id] See also: :attr:`~.Trajectory.type_ids` :returns: particle types in order of type id. :rtype: list :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._type @property def type_ids(self): """Access the particle type ids as a numpy array. See also: :attr:`~.Trajectory.type` :returns: particle type ids as (MxN) array. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (dtype= :class:`numpy.int_` ) :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return np.asarray(self._type_ids, dtype=np.int_) @property def positions(self): """Access the particle positions as a numpy array. :returns: particle positions as (Nx3) array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._check_nonempty_property('_positions') @property def orientations(self): """Access the particle orientations as a numpy array. Orientations are stored as quaternions. :returns: particle orientations as (Nx4) array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._check_nonempty_property('_orientations') @property def velocities(self): """Access the particle velocities as a numpy array. :returns: particle velocities as (Nx3) array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._check_nonempty_property('_velocities') @property def mass(self): """Access the particle mass as a numpy array. :returns: particle mass as (N) element array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._check_nonempty_property('_mass') @property def charge(self): """Access the particle charge as a numpy array. :returns: particle charge as (N) element array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._check_nonempty_property('_charge') @property def diameter(self): """Access the particle diameter as a numpy array. :returns: particle diameter as (N) element array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._check_nonempty_property('_diameter') @property def moment_inertia(self): """Access the particle principal moment of inertia components as a numpy array. :returns: particle principal moment of inertia components as (Nx3) element array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._check_nonempty_property('_moment_inertia') @property def angmom(self): """Access the particle angular momenta as a numpy array. :returns: particle angular momenta quaternions as (Nx4) element array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._check_nonempty_property('_angmom') @property def image(self): """Access the particle periodic images as a numpy array. :returns: particle periodic images as (Nx3) element array :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :raises RuntimeError: When accessed before calling :meth:`~.load_arrays` or :meth:`~.Trajectory.load`.""" self._assertarrays_loaded() return self._check_nonempty_property('_image')
def _regularize_box(positions, velocities, orientations, angmom, box_matrix, dtype=None, dimensions=3): """ Convert box into a right-handed coordinate frame with only upper triangular entries. Also convert corresponding positions and orientations.""" # First use QR decomposition to compute the new basis Q, R = np.linalg.qr(box_matrix) Q = Q.astype(dtype) R = R.astype(dtype) if not np.allclose(Q[:dimensions, :dimensions], np.eye(dimensions)): # If Q is not the identity matrix, then we will be # changing data, so we have to copy. This only causes # actual failures for non-writeable GSD frames, but could # cause unexpected data corruption for other cases positions = np.copy(positions) if orientations is not None: orientations = np.copy(orientations) if velocities is not None: velocities = np.copy(velocities) if angmom is not None: angmom = np.copy(angmom) # Since we'll be performing a quaternion operation, # we have to ensure that Q is a pure rotation sign = np.linalg.det(Q) Q = Q*sign R = R*sign # First rotate positions, velocities. # Since they are vectors, we can use the matrix directly. # Conveniently, instead of transposing Q we can just reverse # the order of multiplication here positions = if velocities is not None: velocities = # For orientations and angular momenta, we use the quaternion quat = rowan.from_matrix(Q.T) if orientations is not None: for i in range(orientations.shape[0]): orientations[i, :] = rowan.multiply(quat, orientations[i, :]) if angmom is not None: for i in range(angmom.shape[0]): angmom[i, :] = rowan.multiply(quat, angmom[i, :]) # Now we have to ensure that the box is right-handed. We # do this as a second step to avoid introducing reflections # into the rotation matrix before making the quaternion signs = np.diag(np.diag(np.where(R < 0, -np.ones(R.shape), np.ones(R.shape)))) box = positions = if velocities is not None: velocities = else: box = box_matrix # Construct the box Lx, Ly, Lz = np.diag(box).flatten().tolist() xy = box[0, 1]/Ly xz = box[0, 2]/Lz yz = box[1, 2]/Lz box = Box(Lx=Lx, Ly=Ly, Lz=Lz, xy=xy, xz=xz, yz=yz, dimensions=dimensions) return positions, velocities, orientations, angmom, box def _generate_type_id_array(types, type_ids): "Generate type_id array." _type = sorted(set(t_ for t in types for t_ in t)) for i, t in enumerate(types): for j, t_ in enumerate(t): type_ids[i][j] = _type.index(t_) return _type def copyto_hoomd_blue_snapshot(frame, snapshot): "Copy the frame into a HOOMD-blue snapshot." if frame.positions is not None: np.copyto(snapshot.particles.position, frame.positions) if frame.orientations is not None: np.copyto(snapshot.particles.orientation, frame.orientations) if frame.velocities is not None: np.copyto(snapshot.particles.velocity, frame.velocities) if frame.mass is not None: np.copyto(snapshot.particles.mass, frame.mass) if frame.charge is not None: np.copyto(snapshot.particles.charge, frame.charge) if frame.diameter is not None: np.copyto(snapshot.particles.diameter, frame.diameter) if frame.moment_inertia is not None: np.copyto(snapshot.particles.moment_inertia, frame.moment_inertia) if frame.angmom is not None: np.copyto(snapshot.particles.angmom, frame.angmom) if frame.image is not None: np.copyto(snapshot.particles.image, frame.image) return snapshot def copyfrom_hoomd_blue_snapshot(frame, snapshot): """"Copy the HOOMD-blue snapshot into the frame. Note that only the properties listed below will be copied. """ = particle_types = list(set(snapshot.particles.types)) snap_types = [particle_types[i] for i in snapshot.particles.typeid] frame.types = snap_types frame.positions = snapshot.particles.position frame.orientations = snapshot.particles.orientation frame.velocities = snapshot.particles.velocity frame.mass = snapshot.particles.mass frame.charge = snapshot.particles.charge frame.diameter = snapshot.particles.diameter frame.moment_inertia = snapshot.particles.moment_inertia frame.angmom = snapshot.particles.angmom frame.image = snapshot.particles.image return frame def make_hoomd_blue_snapshot(frame): "Create a HOOMD-blue snapshot from the frame instance." try: from hoomd import data except ImportError: try: # Try importing from hoomd 1.x from hoomd_script import data except ImportError: raise ImportError('hoomd') particle_types = list(set(frame.types)) type_ids = [particle_types.index(t) for t in frame.types] snapshot = data.make_snapshot( N=len(frame), box=data.boxdim(**, particle_types=particle_types) np.copyto( snapshot.particles.typeid, np.array(type_ids, dtype=snapshot.particles.typeid.dtype)) return copyto_hoomd_blue_snapshot(frame, snapshot)