Source code for garnett.dcdfilereader

# Copyright (c) 2019 The Regents of the University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
"""DCD-file reader for the Glotzer Group, University of Michigan.

Authors: Carl Simon Adorf

A dcd file conists only of positions.
To provide additional information it is possible
to provide a frame object, whose properties
are copied into each frame of the dcd trajectory.

The example is given for a hoomd-blue xml frame:

.. code::

    xml_reader = HOOMDXMLFileReader()
    dcd_reader = DCDFileReader()

    with open('init.xml') as xmlfile:
        with open('dump.dcd', 'rb') as dcdfile:
            xml_frame =[0]
            traj =, xml_frame)

.. note::

    If the topology frame is 2-dimensional, the dcd
    trajectory positions are interpreted such that
    the first two values contain the xy-coordinates,
    the third value is an euler angle.

    The euler angle is converted to a quaternion and stored
    in the orientation of the frame.

    To retrieve the euler angles, simply convert the quaternion:

    .. code::

        ort = traj[0].orientations
        alpha = 2 * np.arctan2(ort[:, 3], ort[:, 0])

import logging
import copy
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from numpy.core import numeric as _nx
from numpy.core.numeric import asanyarray

from .trajectory import Frame, Trajectory
from .trajectory import _RawFrameData, _generate_type_id_array
from . import pydcdreader

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _euler_to_quaternion(alpha, q):
    q.T[0] = np.cos(alpha * 0.5)
    q.T[1] = q.T[2] = 0.0
    q.T[3] = np.sin(alpha * 0.5)

def _box_matrix_from_frame_header(frame_header, tol=1e-12):
    fh = frame_header

    lx = fh.box_a
    xy = fh.box_b * fh.box_gamma
    xz = fh.box_c * fh.box_beta
    ly = np.sqrt(fh.box_b*fh.box_b - xy*xy)
    yz = (fh.box_b*fh.box_c*fh.box_alpha - xy*xz) / lx
    lz = np.sqrt(fh.box_c*fh.box_c - xz*xz - yz*yz)

    xy /= ly
    xz /= lz
    yz /= lz
    return [
        [lx, 0.0, 0.0],
        [(xy * ly), ly, 0.0],
        [(xz * lz), (yz * lz), lz]]

def _np_stack(arrays, axis=0):
    """Join a sequence of arrays along a new axis.

    Copyright (c) 2005-2016, NumPy Developers.
    All rights reserved.

    From numpy/core/ (requires numpy>=1.10),
    included to avoid numpy dependency >=1.10."""
    arrays = [asanyarray(arr) for arr in arrays]
    if not arrays:
        raise ValueError('need at least one array to stack')

    shapes = set(arr.shape for arr in arrays)
    if len(shapes) != 1:
        raise ValueError('all input arrays must have the same shape')

    result_ndim = arrays[0].ndim + 1
    if not -result_ndim <= axis < result_ndim:
        msg = 'axis {0} out of bounds [-{1}, {1})'.format(axis, result_ndim)
        raise IndexError(msg)
    if axis < 0:
        axis += result_ndim

    sl = (slice(None),) * axis + (_nx.newaxis,)
    expanded_arrays = [arr[sl] for arr in arrays]
    return _nx.concatenate(expanded_arrays, axis=axis)

_DCDFileHeader = namedtuple(
    ('num_frames', 'm_start_timestep', 'm_period', 'timesteps',
     'timestep', 'include_unitcell', 'charmm_version', 'n_particles'))

_DCDFrameHeader = namedtuple(
    ('box_a', 'box_gamma', 'box_b', 'box_beta', 'box_alpha', 'box_c'))

class DCDFrame(Frame):

    def __init__(self, dcdreader, stream, file_header,
                 offset, t_frame, default_type='A',
        self._dcdreader = dcdreader = stream
        self.file_header = _DCDFileHeader(** file_header)
        self.offset = offset
        self.t_frame = t_frame
        self.default_type = default_type
        self._types = None
        self._box = None
        self._positions = None
        self._orientations = None
        super(DCDFrame, self).__init__(dtype=dtype)

    def __len__(self):
        return int(self.file_header.n_particles)

    def _read(self, xyz):
        frame_header = _DCDFrameHeader(
            ** self._dcdreader.read_frame(, xyz, self.offset))
        self._box = np.asarray(_box_matrix_from_frame_header(frame_header)).T
        self._positions = xyz.swapaxes(0, 1)

    def _load(self, xyz=None, ort=None):
        N = int(self.file_header.n_particles)
        if xyz is None:
            xyz = np.zeros((3, N), dtype=np.float32)
        if ort is None:
            ort = np.zeros((N, 4), dtype=self._dtype)
        if self.t_frame is None:
            self._types = [self.default_type] * len(self)
            self._types = self.t_frame.types
        if self.t_frame is None or == 3:
            ort.T[0] = 1.0
            ort.T[1:] = 0
        elif == 2:
                self._positions.T[-1], ort)
            self._positions.T[-1] = 0
            raise ValueError(
        self._orientations = ort

    def _loaded(self):
        return not (self._types is None or
                    self._box is None or
                    self._positions is None or
                    self._orientations is None)

    def read(self):
        raw_frame = _RawFrameData()
        if self.t_frame is not None:
   = copy.deepcopy(
            raw_frame.data_keys = copy.deepcopy(self.t_frame.data_keys)
            raw_frame.box_dimensions =
                raw_frame.shapedef = copy.deepcopy(self.t_frame.shapedef)
            except AttributeError:
        if not self._loaded():
        assert self._loaded() = self._box
        raw_frame.types = copy.copy(self._types)
        raw_frame.positions = self._positions
        raw_frame.orientations = self._orientations
        assert len(raw_frame.types) == len(self)
        assert len(raw_frame.positions) == len(self)
        assert len(raw_frame.orientations) == len(self)
        return raw_frame

    def unload(self):
        self._types = None
        self._box = None
        self._positions = None
        self._orientations = None
        super(DCDFrame, self).unload()

    def __str__(self):
        return "DCDFrame(# particles={}, topology_frame={})".format(
            len(self), self.t_frame)

[docs]class DCDTrajectory(Trajectory):
[docs] def arrays_loaded(self): """Returns true if arrays are loaded into memory. See also: :meth:`~.load_arrays`""" return not (self._N is None or self._type is None or self._types is None or self._type_ids is None or self._positions is None or self._orientations is None)
[docs] def load_arrays(self): # Determine array shapes M = len(self) N = len(self.frames[0]) _N = np.ones(M) * N # Coordinates xyz = np.zeros((M, 3, N), dtype=np.float32) ort = np.zeros((M, N, 4), dtype=self._dtype) for i, frame in enumerate(self.frames): if not frame._loaded(): frame._load(xyz=xyz[i], ort=ort[i]) # Types, Can only be handled after frame._load() calls. types = [f._types for f in self.frames] type_ids = np.zeros((len(self), N), dtype=np.int_) _type = _generate_type_id_array(types, type_ids) try: # Perform swap self._N = _N self._type = _type self._types = types self._type_ids = type_ids self._positions = xyz.swapaxes(1, 2) self._orientations = ort except Exception: # Ensure consistent error state self._N = self._type = self._types = self._type_ids = \ self._positions = self._orientations = None raise
[docs] def xyz(self, xyz=None): """Return the xyz coordinates of the dcd file. Use this function to access xyz-coordinates with minimal overhead and maximal performance. You can provide a reference to an existing numpy.ndarray with shape (Mx3xN), where M is the length of the trajectory and N is the number of particles. Please note that the array needs to be of data type float32 and in-memory contiguous. :param xyz: A numpy array of shape (Mx3xN). :type xyz: numpy.ndarray :returns: A view or a copy of the xyz-array of shape (MxNx3). :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ shape = (len(self), 3, len(self.frames[0])) if xyz is None: xyz = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) else: assert xyz.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] assert xyz.dtype == np.float32 assert xyz.shape == shape for i, frame in enumerate(self.frames): frame._read(xyz[i]) return xyz.swapaxes(1, 2)
class _DCDFileReader(object): """DCD-file reader for the Glotzer Group, University of Michigan. Author: Carl Simon Adorf A dcd file consists only of positions. To provide additional information it is possible to provide a frame object, whose properties are copied into each frame of the dcd trajectory. The example is given for a hoomd-blue xml frame: .. code:: xml_reader = HOOMDXMLFileReader() dcd_reader = DCDFileReader() with open('init.xml') as xmlfile: with open('dump.dcd', 'rb') as dcdfile: xml_frame =[0] traj =, xml_frame) .. note:: If the topology frame is 2-dimensional, the dcd trajectory positions are interpreted such that the first two values contain the xy-coordinates, the third value is an euler angle. The euler angle is converted to a quaternion and stored in the orientation of the frame. To retrieve the euler angles, simply convert the quaternion: .. code:: alpha = 2 * np.arctan2(ort[:, 3], ort[:, 0]) """ _dcdreader = pydcdreader def _scan(self, stream, t_frame=None, default_type=None): file_header, offsets = self._dcdreader.scan(stream) for offset in offsets: yield DCDFrame( dcdreader=self._dcdreader, stream=stream, file_header=file_header, offset=offset, t_frame=t_frame, default_type=default_type) def read(self, stream, frame=None, default_type=None): """Read binary stream and return a trajectory instance. :param stream: The stream, which contains the dcd-file. :type stream: A file-like binary stream :param frame: A frame containing topological information that cannot be encoded in the dcd-format. :type frame: :class:`trajectory.Frame` :param default_type: A type name to be used when no first frame is provided, defaults to 'A'. :type default_type: str :returns: A trajectory instance. :rtype: :class:`~.DCDTrajectory`""" if frame is not None and default_type is not None: raise ValueError( "You can only provide a frame or a default_type, not both.") elif frame is None and default_type is None: default_type = 'A' elif frame is not None and == 2: "2-dimensional box, interpreting 3rd dimension " "as euler orientation angle.") frames = list(self._scan(stream, t_frame=frame, default_type=default_type))"Read {} frames.".format(len(frames))) return DCDTrajectory(frames)